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P I T   F I R I N G


Ancestral Goddess Vessel sculpture vases hand built using Cornish clay and barrel fired using the

the ancient technique of pit firing, this firing technique is a native firing process dating back to 29,000 BC making it the oldest firing technique known to man. This magical unglazed ceramic process creates one of a kind works of art that can never be repeated, giving way to endless possibilities, by the fact that the pieces seem to be created by mother nature herself.



The derived colours and markings visible on the body of the goddess vessel's were created within a Barrel, where-by the vessels have been nestled within combustible materials and embalmed with various organic materials and metals, and then burnt anywhere between 24-72 hours. The kiln can reach temperatures of up to 1,100 degrees celsius, this element will have considerable effect the colours and hues manifested onto the vessels at hand, the hotter the better! When the organic matter sets-alight, atmospheric effects will then take place through vaporisation of the organic materials and metals, which with encouragement from a healthy air flow will swirl and seep into the clays molten porous body, creating arrays of unique patterns and layers upon layers of jewel like colours, eternalising nature's touch onto the surface of the vessel.


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